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As for me and my house…

I became a Christian during 学生营 when I was Sec 1. From then on, going for the camp as a camper, group leader, or 工作人员 has been part and parcel of my life. This is the place where I dedicated my life to God. This is the place of countless laughter, serving with fellow bros and sis in Christ. This is the place which offered me many platforms to explore my talents of running games, emceeing, public speaking, putting together plays and throwing many many wild ideas. 学生营 will always have a place in my heart.

Once I started working and kids came along the way, I began to scale down my involvement. But 学生营 is always on my mind and I’ll find ways to indirectly support the camp. Thus when our kids grew slightly older, we got them to help out in the 学生营games.

Covid came and we had a scaled down version. Our eldest also reached the age where he can join as a camper and it was disappointing (more to me!) when he can’t have the full camp experience.

Therefore this year is especially significant as we are able to run a full camp (minus the sleeping over). Both boys are also joining as campers (and are in opposing houses!) together for the first time. This is also the first time the wife is being ‘volunteered’ to serve as a group leader. I keep joking that she is the oldest rookie group leader and it truly took courage for her to take up this role. Finally me and mei helped out in the games as station masters. For the first time, the whole family is involved in 学生营.

As mum and 2 boys are full time participating in the camp, I had 4 days of uninterrupted time with mei. We chatted and chatted and chatted…. How I met mum, who like who in her class, who mum met before papa, who she chats with, potential boyfriends 🙄 ….. and we spent every meal at a different place 🤤

Good luck to whichever-potential-bf… the only thing you can win me is the amount of hair on your head 🤪

We even had time to have a HDL meal to celebrate Fathers Day!

When the tired bodies break camp each night, we also had supper together to talk about the highlight of the day. Kids were physically exhausted but thank God their spirits were high!

At the end of the camp, the parents just nua at home for the day while the kids still went for their CCA training (年轻就是本钱). Though our bodies are tired, our hearts are full of gratitude. Thank God for…

  1. Boys to take ownership of their spiritual walk with God be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading.

  2. Sustaining the health and energy level of the wife throughout the camp! She was actually more enthusiastic than her group members. We were initially worried how they’ll react to knowing she is The Mrs Yeow but allizwell!

  3. Gospel seeds that are sowed and awaiting the day when it is ripe for harvest. And of course, seeds that are harvested during the camp!

  4. Fruitful time spent with mei. May I not forget how to protect my daughter’s heart and never to take her adoration and respect for granted.

As we serve together as a family, God binds us together closer as a family. We see and learn so much more about one another. What I thought was difficult, God made it possible. What I thought was worrying, God provide comfort and peace. This is something that NO family holidays, staycation, or expensive overseas trips can offer… A family who serves together, stays together 🙏

But for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
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