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Gone too soon, Gone too fast

Life is short like mist.

A blink of the eye and it's gone.

This is something that I have known and understood since young.

Carpe Diem - Make each day count

Live each day as if it is the last.

No regrets.

But yet, this fact still hit hard this week.

Was at church camp in JB for the closing portion and listened to the members' sharing of their experiences, how they felt, what they learnt, etc. Some of the older members shared that they truly enjoyed having a physical camp as we had a hiatus due to COVID. What touched me most was them sharing that they treasured this opportunity as they do not know if they can still go for the next church camp. Either due to timing arrangements or health reasons or whether they are still around on earth or not :-(

And yet here we are the supposedly younger members, those who have every opportunity and healthy bodies to participate, dragging our feet and being undecided whether to go or not because we are unsure if the program is fun or not.

On my way back across the border, I received news that a highly regarded leader within the Anglican community has just passed on. I was shocked. Though I did not know him personally, we had met briefly on a few occasion due to our partnership with Singapore Anglican Community Services. The most recent encounter was just in July when I saw him still in good health and sharing passionately about his work in the mental health services. And yet, the sickness hit him the following month (or rather it was only discovered then) and within 5 months, the Lord took him home. He was 48 years old.

5 months. 150 days. Less than 1/2 a year.

Gone too soon, Gone too fast.

Life is short.

This church camp is also a first experience for our family in the sense that we did not attend as a whole family together due to some family arrangements. Our 2 boys participated with their friends and cell groups and spent time with them instead of family. This is their first experience going overseas without supervision from the parents. From our perspective, it is our first letting the boys fly the coop (temporarily) overseas. This is a first and definitely not the last but the START of many many of such experiences. Without the parents.

And thus, somewhere in my heart, I have this selfish desire for my kids.

A, J and E, if you are reading this.

Life is short.

Spend time with your parents whenever you can.

Especially when they are still healthy and present.

We will not be able to know when THE DAY is.

But when it comes, let us live and leave with no regrets.

Life is short and meaningless, and it fades away like a shadow. Who knows what is best for us? Who knows what will happen after we are gone? - Ecclesiastes 6:12

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