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Toto, Covid, GST hike and the $100 CDC voucher


Thats the Toto prize money many Singaporeans were dreaming of towards the end of last week. Many friends joked on social media that they’ll not be turning up for work the following week and wish everyone a early Valentine’s Day. 不买就没希望,买了就有一线希望。Specifically a 1 in 14 million chance 😞. The news reported long snaking queues at 旺地 (betting kiosks that had past winners) and rain or shine, many Singaporeans were out there queueing. Monday came and I see all my friends and colleagues back at work. And the dream continues to the next Big Draw.

On Wednesday, the Covid MTF announced a slew of updated measures to ‘keep things simple’. The most impactful was the removal of social distancing when masked on. We are told once we clear this current peak, things will get better and measures will be further eased. We wait with anticipation and hope after Omicron, PQRSTUVWXYZ variant don’t turn up to spoil the party.

不中 Toto 没关系,别中Covid 才重要!

Then Budget 2022 was announced on Friday. The day before, there was a piece of news on a higher attrition rate among the Public Service and Minister CCS promised that “the public service will continue to review salaries and benefits of public officers and adjust them where necessary to "keep pace" with the market.” (CNA website) Thus I was keeping my fingers crossed that there will be some announcement by Finance Minister that it’s time for teachers’ salaries to increase… but alas…

Anyway, 没鱼,虾也好, GST hike is delayed till 2023 and every household is given another $100 CDC voucher. Yay 😊 To some of us, this is machiam winning Toto.

Parenting is like dio Toto at times. We put in the effort, the sweat, the tears and put in our best, rain or shine, to ensure the well-being of our children. And when we witness their milestones in life,

The first roll.

The first step.

The first word.

The first sleepthrough the night.

The feeling is even better than winning Toto.

But the best feeling as a parent is when you get little unexpected wins / rewards from your children. When you expect something negative to happen but it didn’t. (like the GST hike) The boy exercising patience when the little brother snatches his toys, instead of squabbling.

The sister offering her favourite soft toy when asked by the brother, instead of being selfish.

The tired brother offering up his seat on the MRT to someone else who needed it more, instead of throwing a tantrum when asked.

And of course, the times when you receive something positive when you did not expect it. (Like the $100 CDC voucher)

the surprise birthday card,

the unexpected present,

doing household chores without being told,

the initiative to start a conversation during meal time…

I’d gladly take such feelings of victory on a regular basis against a 1/14,000,000 chance to win Toto (Of cos, if can have both even better!)

As parents, let us be thankful for these experiences and enjoy such near-winning-Toto-feelings whenever we can.

Anyway having a child is already a form of striking lottery 😊

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